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  • Writer's pictureKarisia Marinese

Hygiene Supplies for El Rescate

Hi everyone! As you know when people are silent, it's usually because they're working. I am so happy to announce that Beautiful Brown Bag has partnered with El Rescate to collect toiletries and host a donation drive for the opening of their new drop-in center set to launch:

Saturday, March 24, 2018

2753 West Division Street

12-4 PM.

For those interested in donating.

All needed items are listed on the flyer, but we always welcome anything that can help.

You can donate to the cause one of two ways:

By contacting us and bringing the hygiene supplies to our drop off location or coming to the opening of the center and donating in person. Giving yourself and the youth the opportunity to see who cares and affirm that they do indeed matter!

To learn more about Beautiful Brown Bag and how you can help please contact

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